Reports from the Void: 'There Were Two Creatures with Red Glowing Eyes Walking Around'

The Singular Fortean Society received the following email, with “creature with red glowing eyes” in the subject line, on January 8th, 2022.

When I was 14, in 1994, my dad and one of his friends went on a deer hunt in Green County, Georgia, at the Redlands Wildlife Management Area. We were setting up camp, when we realized I had forgotten the poles to set up the tent. My dad was not happy at all, but we stretched a tarp over his truck bed and slept with the tailgate down.

I had fallen asleep, and woke up when I heard my dad and his friend talking. I looked out and there were two creatures with red glowing eyes walking around, the eyes seemed to be around three to four feet off the ground.

All of the guns were in the cab of the truck and we could not get to them, so we watched them for what seemed like an eternity but was realistically only about three to four minutes. They did not make any sound at all, but all of the sudden started running away and we could hear hooves clattering on the worn gravel road.

About 15 seconds after that, a truck came up the road and we did not see them again. It is a mystery to us, still to this day, what the creatures were. I would be interested to see if anyone has had a similar experience in that area.

Investigator Tobias Wayland replied to the email in an attempt to schedule an interview, but received no response.

There are a variety of animals that might be found in Georgia whose eyes appear to glow red when reflecting light, including owls, opossums, and black bears. However, no external light that might have caused any such eyeshine is described in the witness’s testimony, nor would that explain the sound of hooves. Hooved animals, such as deer, more commonly have white eyeshine.

Red eyes are a commonality among some reported monster sightings, including reports of bigfoots, winged humanoids, and even stranger entities, like the two solid black creatures with pointy ears and glowing red eyes reportedly seen by an Ohio man. Often in these cases, the witness is asked if eyeshine might be responsible for the glowing red eyes reported, and commonly they report that it could not be, because the eyes appeared to be glowing from within instead of reflecting light.

What, if any, of this might apply to the story above is unknown, since the witness was not available to provide more information.

Reports from the Void is a repository to share those stories for which we do not have enough information to make a full report. This is usually because of little or no communication from the witness following their initial submission. The Singular Fortean Society will always provide as much information as possible regarding any correspondence during our attempts to speak with those involved.

This series is meant only to present you with the full breadth of the information sent to us, and makes no judgments towards the veracity of any stories shared within it.

To report your own encounter with the impossible, reach out to us directly at the Singular Fortean Society through our contact page.

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