Reports from the Void: 'There ARE Unexplainable Things Out There'

The Singular Fortean Society received the following email, titled Weird howls/sounds in Pelican Lake WI, in June of 2021.

I would like to reach out to both of you in regards to an article from April of this year about eerie howls in Rhinelander, [Wisconsin]. I live about 25 minutes east in Pelican Lake (literally in the middle of a swamp).

Ever since the 2019 storm came through and devastated the area, many things started to happen in our area. It's hard to explain, but, it's as if something was stirred up.

My father and I hear weird animal sounds every now and then, and we know for a fact they are not canine, cougar, lynx, owls, bear, etc. These are the sounds that will make the hair on your body stand on end.

I've heard stories from elders in the Oneida and Forest County areas that they know Sasquatch is real. However, my father and I not only believe in Sasquatch, but we have a suspicious feeling that not only are there Bigfoots around, but Skinwalkers as well.

I'm NOT emailing you this by NO means as a joke, either.

The screeching we hear is different than the howling in Greenhaw's recordings. There ARE unexplainable things out there, and it's a UFO hotspot as well. We've been living in this swamp for 25+ years (Pratt Junction Rd) and UFOs are very active for some reason fall through winter. I could fill a one-subject notebook alone on just UFO encounters. Most of those our previous neighbor Danny saw with us.

I don't know if you believe in other dimensions/portals, but there's been strange phenomena going on in northeastern [Wisconsin] and up into the Michigan UP since at least the 60s/70s from what I've heard from a few people (all of whom, including ourselves, have lived here our whole lives and for generations). I believe those recordings from Greenhaw to be true, we do live in a hotspot for sure.

Interested in hauntings?? Check out the Stovewood Museum in Jennings, [Wisconsin], and the bar across the street.

Happy hunting, just thought I'd share some more info.

Lead investigator Tobias Wayland replied to the email in an attempt to gather more information, but received no response.

The howls mentioned are in reference to a set of experiences submitted in April of 2020 to the Singular Fortean Society by Colton Greenhaw, a resident of Rhinelander, which included three videos featuring eerie howls captured by Greenhaw and his friends and neighbors.

Greenhaw also reported that he’d seen evidence of something throwing rocks and disturbing waterfowl in the area where the sounds were recorded, and that he and his friends had even found an unusual footprint.

The Singular Fortean Society requested a photograph of either the footprint or a cast that Greenhaw had claimed was made of it, but none was ever received.

In addition, during an interview, Greenhaw discussed other strange experiences he and his friends have had in the woods around Rhinelander, including the sighting of an unusually tall humanoid at night.

Following the publication of Greenhaw’s testimony, the Singular Fortean Society received an anonymous email in June of 2020 regarding the eerie howls recorded in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, earlier that year.

I wish to remain anonymous, but I wanted to report I’ve heard the same screams as the guy in the video. Weeks ago, I heard it in the middle of the night and ran in to check on my daughter. She was irritated that I woke her up, but was [otherwise] fine. I passed it off as a dream, maybe. Anyhow, I was not sleeping and heard it again last night. It was shrilling and sounded like it was right outside my window. My dogs were too scared to leave the porch and refused to go out. I don’t know what it is, but for sure it’s running around close to Lake Tomahawk.

Lake Tomahawk is a town of just over 1,100 people—nestled within an extensive series of forest preserves and wetlands—and is about 20 miles northwest of Rhinelander.

Based on when the email was sent, the first set of “screams” described by this witness could have taken place around the same time as those reported by Greenhaw—late March of 2020—and the second set could have been as recent as June 29th of that year.

Lead investigator Tobias Wayland responded to the email, saying that the Singular Fortean Society is happy to respect the privacy of anyone who contacts them, and asking the witness to please contact him with any developments.

So far, there has been no further correspondence.

Reports from the Void is a repository to share those stories for which we do not have enough information to make a full report. This is usually because of little or no communication from the witness following their initial submission. The Singular Fortean Society will always provide as much information as possible regarding any correspondence during our attempts to speak with those involved.

This series is meant only to present you with the full breadth of the information sent to us, and makes no judgments towards the veracity of any stories shared within it.

To report your own encounter with the impossible, reach out to us directly at the Singular Fortean Society through our contact page.

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