Police in Pueblo, Colorado, Respond to Report of "Demonic Sounds" at Local McDonald's


Police in Pueblo, Colorado, responded to a call early last Thursday from employees at a local McDonald’s who “reported hearing a woman screaming and making ‘demonic sounds,’ to include speaking in a strange language and barking” outside of the restaurant, according to Captain Tom Rummel, the Watch Commander for the Pueblo Police Department’s “Graveyard Shift.”

Rummel tweeted that authorities had arrived at the restaurant “at about 3:30 [in the morning],” and that “three officers searched the area, but didn’t come up with the source of the disturbance.”

The employees were reportedly so frightened by the sounds that they refused to leave the building until after the sun came up.

This area of Pueblo has a higher than average crime rate, and Pueblo itself is well above average in its region for violent crime. Pueblo’s incidents of violent crime are 150% higher than the rest of the state, and 160% above the national average. Similarly, the area has been disproportionately affected by an increase in drug abuse, with the number of overdose deaths from meth amphetamine nearly tripling from 6 in 2014 to 16 in 2018.

Since the authorities were unable to locate the source of the sound, it is unclear if violent crime or drug abuse played a role in the incident.

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